Marathon Training Weekly Recap – Week of October 2, 2023

1 Week to the Hartford Half Marathon

6 Weeks to the Philadelphia Marathon

Last week was a big week of training – I crushed a 10 mile workout and powered through an 18 mile long run. I was exhausted by the end of the week, but I also felt more confident about my ability to run a solid time in both of my upcoming races. The question in my mind was how hard did I want to run the half marathon? I knew I wasn’t going to just run it as an easy long run, so that left me with two options. I could run it at goal marathon pace to get a feel for race pace. Or, I could race it, see what time I get, and use that as an indicator of my fitness for the marathon. Running it hard would mean more recovery time – would that be worth it?

Monday – Rest Day

I was sore and tired on Monday after the 18-miler. I took it easy most of the day, but got out for a walk after work. Movement felt good, my legs were stiff after sitting at my desk all day. I realized though, while I was tight, I didn’t feel terribly sore. I foam rolled after the walk in hopes to aid my recovery and I prioritized good food and rest Monday night. 

Tuesday – 5 Miles, Easy

In transitioning to marathon training my easy runs jumped from 3-4 miles to 5-6. At first the “easy” runs felt long and tedious, now I tick off 5 miles like it’s nothing. My calves were still sore Tuesday morning so I ran in compression socks which seemed to help. Other than my calves, my legs felt pretty good. My stride felt solid and bouncy. I was pleasantly surprised by how recovered I felt. I guess the extra rest and fuel I’d been prioritizing were doing their job.  

Wednesday – 6 Miles, Easy + Strides

Today was one of those days when running felt like a chore. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to run, it just didn’t feel as simple and joyful as it normally does. I’m not sure why, but I know we all have those days. My thought was that I was in need of some self-care time to relax and reset my mind. The past few days have been busy and some time to myself would probably help me feel better. Nevertheless, I got out for the run. Physically I felt pretty good. I felt light and bouncy and my strides at the end were quick! 

Thursday – 7 Mile Fartlek Cutdown

Running felt like a chore again on Thursday. I woke up before my alarm but I procrastinated getting out for my run. The fact that this was an “easier” workout (easier relative to the 10 mile speed and tempo sessions of recent weeks) had me less motivated. Still, I knew I had to get it done and I had to get in a better mindset. I put on a cute running outfit and I got out the door. I switched my mindset from being, this is easy, I don’t have to try, to, this is easy, I can crush it!!. The workout was a 2 mile warmup followed by 8 minutes at half marathon pace, then 6 minutes, 4 minutes, 2 minutes, and 1 minute picking up the pace around 10 seconds per mile for each subsequent segment. I had 90 seconds recovery between each pickup. I started out at 7:35 pace, then 7:26, 7:16, 6:52, and finished the last minute at 6:39 pace. The first couple of intervals at or around half marathon pace felt relaxed and consistent even through the couple of hills on the route, and finishing fast made me feel strong. I ended the run much more confident and satisfied in my running than when I started

The rest of the day Thursday was busy! I didn’t have time to make it to the gym for a lift as I typically do on workout days, so I opted for a quick 15 minute strength session at home. Plank, squats, glute bridges, banded walks – just the basics. I was happy I was able to get something done to make me feel strong and healthy. 

Friday – Rest Day

Even with a day off from running, my motivation was lacking. When I don’t feel inherently motivated, I look to my goals, values, and, most importantly, discipline to get things done. It was a work day and there were certain projects that I needed to make progress on, so I set a goal that I would get through X by lunch, and then I could take a break. Then it was, if I got through Y by this time, I could take another break and run a quick errand. I played mental games with myself, similar to how I play with my mind when I’m hurting during a race. I don’t want to go on, it’s hard, but I’ve got to finish. I pick a tree down the road and race towards it. Then, on the uphill, I make it a goal to pass the three people ahead of me. Power through to the top of the hill then you can glide down. The workday was an opportunity to exercise mental strength and discipline, things that will help me during the marathon. So, in a way, I was training even though it was a rest day. 

Saturday – 5 Miles, Easy

I opted for an afternoon run on Saturday so I could enjoy a slow morning of bagels and coffee with my boyfriend. It was gloomy and drizzling by the time I made it out for my run – perfect running weather! My stride felt good and I was energized. The run went well, but I there was a twinge of pain at the top of my left foot, just above my big toe. It didn’t bother me while I was running, but it felt tender, which I didn’t love. Post-run I iced and elevated the foot and looked up some foot strengthening exercises to do later. I was determined to not worry, stress hormones would only make it worse. 

Sunday – 10 Miles, Easy

Sunday morning I drove from PA to CT, to my parent’s house. I planned to work from there the next week leading up to the half marathon in Hartford. Leaving early Sunday morning, I didn’t hit much traffic which was nice. I made the trip in just over 4 hours, about as quick as I’ve done it. After settling in at my parent’s and catching up with my brother who was also home for the weekend, I hit the trail for my run. I’m lucky to have lots of trail options nearby in CT, similar to my favorite routes in PA. The difference here was that the trails were coated in a layer of freshly fallen leaves already. It was a beautiful and scenic run. I listened to Noah Kahan and appreciated the beauty of New England. My foot felt good, which I was happy about, but the 10 miles were more taxing on my body than I would have liked. It was probably the combination of the miles and the morning drive that wore me out. I spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the company of my family. 

I ended this week of training feeling less confident in my fitness. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel fit, it was that I was feeling a little beat up, the accumulation of the miles of the past couple weeks catching up with me. Still, I ended the week knowing that I want to race the half marathon next weekend. I’m hoping with some extra recovery and lower mileage this week, I’ll feel fresh and ready for the race. My heart is telling me that I have a fast half marathon in me, and I want to both honor and test that. 

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